3 Things Every Propane Supplier Should Offer (but many don’t)

With so many propane suppliers in PA, you’d think that they’d all be following basic best practices by now. Unfortunately, the truth is that the level of service provided by these companies can vary tremendously. So, how do you know which companies will give you the best value for your money? Here are three things you should expect your propane supplier to provide—and if they don’t, keep looking.

propane supply worker in PA

1.  Online ordering – We understand how busy modern life can be, and the last thing that you need is to have to make an involved phone call every time you need a propane delivery. That’s why a good propane supplier will offer easy online ordering options for your convenience. With online ordering, a few clicks of a button will get you the supplies you need, leaving you more time and less frustration all around.

2.  Scheduled at-home delivery – For most homeowners, a fixed delivery schedule makes the most sense. Some households use a whole home propane system that meets most or all of their energy needs. That usually means their propane usage is pretty consistent from month to month, and having propane refilled on a set schedule is an easy way to have one less thing to worry about on their to-do list. When setting up propane service, make sure that you mention any factors that might change your propane requirements from month to month. For instance, in the summer, you may need extra propane for heating your pool. Mention this and other similar issues and a good company will adjust accordingly.

3.  Competitive Pricing – There are a lot of companies out there offering propane services, but many of them find ways to mark up prices at great benefit to themselves, but to the detriment of the customer. For instance, many bad companies will start off with a great introductory rate, only to raise that rate astronomically after a bit of time has passed. A good company offers fair pricing. Market-based prices are often a great thing for homeowners, but the best companies will also have price programs that offer businesses and larger communities some protection and consistency.

What else do you expect from a propane supplier? At Gas Tec, we offer the best options and convenience to our customers. Call or contact us today with any questions about our excellent propane service!

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