Common Questions about Propane

Winter is probably the last thing on the minds of the average PA resident during the end of summer, but temperatures are going to drop before you know it. Considering last winter and the relatively cool summer we’ve had, the cold could sneak up on the Keystone State a little earlier this year – and you’ll want to be ready sooner rather than later.

If you thought that your heating bills were too high last winter, you may want to consider switching to propane, and there’s no better time to do so! Propane prices in PA are extremely affordable, and these systems are some of the cheapest heating and energy options you’ll find. If you aren’t familiar with propane, you’ll probably have a lot of questions about using it in your home. If so, this post should provide you with answers.

What is propane?

Some people are confused about what form propane actually takes, since it also goes by the name of “liquefied petroleum gas.” Propane is transported and stored as a very cold liquid, but is converted to gas inside of tanks and cylinders.

Is propane dangerous?

Every heating option requires some caution, and propane is no exception to the rule. You should always use propane safely but, on its own, the substance is relatively harmless. Propane is non-toxic, colorless, and odorless and since that is the case, manufacturers add a distinctive odor to the substance so that it can be properly detected.

What else can propane do aside from heating and cooking?

When most people think about using propane, they expect to heat their homes or do some cooking; however, there are plenty of other things that the substance can be used for. Did you know that propane can power cars? There are over 100,000 propane-powered vehicles on the road in the United States. As traditional gas prices increase, more people may discover this affordable alternative. Propane also has its place in the agriculture and landscape industry, where it runs pumps and engines for harvesting, and can even help dry and process crops.

Is propane really good for the environment?

As interest in alternative fuel sources has increased, people have started to tout the environmental benefits of propane. Propane is a clean burning fuel, and produces very little in terms of exhaust emissions. Propane isn’t considered a greenhouse gas, and doesn’t harm salt and freshwater eco-systems.

What else do you want to know about propane? Contact us today at Gas Tec to find out why propane is right for you!

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