Giving Back

Giving Back

Over the years, GasTec has been fortunate enough to cultivate a very loyal customer base. So, we wanted to thank the community by giving back.

As one of the most recognized propane companies in the area, we are very proud to have the opportunity of supporting these commendable causes.

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Wanting to give more back to our community, in November of 2016, GasTec released our 3rd foundation sponsor truck. This truck will be driving down the roads to help raise awareness and money for the Autism Cares Foundation.  We were proud and excited to debut this newly wrapped Bobtail at ACF’s 5k at Tyler Start Park with news crews, the Autism Cares Foundations Team, other sponsors and vendors, and nearly 3,000 participants all working together to help the cause.

To make addition contributions to ACF – please visit their website and click on “Donate”

Autism Cares Foundation

Autism Cares Foundation is a local 501(c)3 non-profit that has been providing 200 + free social activities, programs and events each year since 2007 to over 900 families in the tristate area. 

The foundation is the result of Linda and Frank Kueppers idea for a more fulfilling life for their son Michael who was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2 ½ years old.  The Kueppers had numerous unanswered questions: What would Michael’s future look like?  Would he have friends and an active social life like his older brother Frankie?  Would his life primarily be filled with various therapists and caregivers who constantly paraded through their home? 

The Kueppers vowed to help him and his peers have a rich and active social life, despite the many obstacles that they were faced with.  There was no game plan or blue print for helping a child with autism, so they wrote their own and Autism Cares Foundation was started to enrich the lives of children, teens and adults living with autism. 

Autism Cares Foundation has changed hundreds of lives and continues to develop for the benefit of today’s special needs youth and tomorrow’s adults.  Most recently the Autism Cares Foundation Adult Services Program was started.  Autism Cares Foundation provides both day habilitation and home and community programs is for special needs adults over the age of 21.

To find out more about Autism Cares Foundation visit their website:


Adding to our already successful and very recognizable “Pink” bobtail, GasTec is excited and proud to announce its partnership with another organization with roots in the Philadelphia area, Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF), a nonprofit dedicated to finding cures for all kids with cancer.  We have wrapped one of our newly added trucks to reflect the front yard lemonade stand that ALSF creator Alexandra “Alex” Scott (1996-2004) founded to raise money and help find cures for all childhood cancers. Being a family oriented company, we’re happy to embrace the spirit and mission of young Alexandra, who believed that everyone is capable of making a difference. As we make propane deliveries with this new addition to our bobtail fleet, a portion of each gallon delivered will be donated to ALSF, and we’ll be raising awareness at the very same time, encouraging people to learn what ALSF is all about.

To make addition contributions to ALSF – please visit GasTec’s fundraising page –

About Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation

Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) emerged from the front yard lemonade stand of cancer patient Alexandra “Alex” Scott (1996-2004). In 2000, four-year-old Alex announced that she wanted to hold a lemonade stand to raise money to help find a cure for all children with cancer. Since Alex held that first stand, the Foundation bearing her name has evolved into a national fundraising movement, complete with thousands of supporters across the country carrying on her legacy of hope. To date, Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, a registered 501(c)3 charity, has raised more than $60 million toward fulfilling Alex’s dream of finding a cure, funding over 300 pediatric cancer research projects nationally. For more information on Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, visit


In hopes to promote continued awareness throughout the entire year and not just National Breast Cancer Month, we and our families are proud to announce GasTec’s recent partnership with the American Breast Cancer Foundation. As a visual reminder, GasTec has painted one of our propane delivery trucks pink and pinned it with the pink ribbon, a symbol synonymous with this worthy cause. While the pink truck makes its regular deliveries, a portion of every gallon delivered will be donated to the American Breast Cancer Foundation. Customers will also be able to contribute an additional amount.

This Pink “Bobtail” will be seen throughout the tristate (PA, NJ and DE) area. Our hope is that we can remind enough women about the importance of early detection with the use of mammograms. In addition to raising awareness, we also hope the donations from our company and our generous customers will help provide more breast cancer screenings, diagnostic tests and emergency treatment assistance that can change and even save lives. Preventing even one woman from becoming a victim of this invasive cancer would be very heartening for the GasTec family.

GasTec’s Partnership with the American Breast Cancer Foundation ran from 2011 until 2018. 

To make addition contributions to ABCF – please visit the Donate page of their website –

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