Residential Propane Use in Warren County, NJ


As the weather gets colder, you’re probably turning up the heat in your house. Have you thought about how reliable and how efficient your power source is for that heat? If you haven’t, you might not know if it’s the best option for your home.

Warren County, NJ residents use a variety of energy sources for the various systems in their homes, for everything from making hot water, to cooking, to lights and heat. But we’re finding more people in Warren County are discovering propane, also referred to as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). The following covers some of the many ways to enjoy the benefits of propane around your home.

Learn more about propane use in Warren County and see if it may be right for your home too.


Why Choose Propane

Propane has many advantages. Even the government wants to encourage the residential use of propane services in Warren County New Jersey with safe appliance rebate programs. Some people are making the switch because of the government incentives and only later realize how many benefits there are to choosing LPG for their homes.

If you’re considering the switch to propane, here are some reasons that this source of energy may be the best choice for your home.


More Reliable than Electricity

When the electricity goes out, that’s when the worry begins. You’ve got to worry about keeping the fridge and freezer food from going bad, keeping the kids entertained, and even losing your heat source. The last thing you want to worry about during winter power outages is being cold. A propane-powered backup generator can help with that.

With the recent example from Texas, we’ve seen the terrible effects of when people are left without heat in severe weather. You can protect yourself and your family by switching to an energy source that will always be there, ready to use.


Greater Efficiency

For each unit of propane, you’ll get more energy compared to just about every other energy source. You’ll use fewer resources and still receive highly efficient results. So heating your entire home may take far less LPG than it would use in gas or electricity.


Safer for the Environment

If you’re searching for ways to live greener and lower your carbon footprint, look no further than propane. Most electricity is powered by coal-burning plants. Unlike other fossil fuels like diesel and gas, LPG burns cleanly. This means it won’t harm the environment by releasing toxins into the soil, water, and air.


How to Use Residential Propane

Maybe you’re sold on the benefits of this eco-friendly gas, but not sure how you can start using it around your house—no need to worry. There are several ways you can begin implementing this fuel in your life.

Here are some ideas, but definitely not the only ways you can start using propane. All of these solutions will give you a more energy-efficient, eco-friendly, and reliable source of powering your home.


BBQ and Outdoor Grills

Through bright summer days and cold winter nights, a fresh meal from the BBQ or grill is always delicious. As it gets colder, you’re probably less motivated to struggle to keep your BBQ or grill hot enough to cook. Don’t let it sit out all winter long without putting it to good use.

LPG is known for burning in even the coldest temperatures. Cooking your food outdoors has never been easier. Another benefit is that many claim food is actually better when cooked in propane rather than butane. So not only is it easier to cook, but the food is more delicious to eat.


Indoor Heating

When looking at the benefits, it’s hard to say no to converting to propane heating in your home. With 97% efficiency, a smaller carbon footprint, and a highly reliable way to warm up, it seems to be one of the best solutions for heating any home.


Outdoor Heaters

You work hard to create an outdoor space you love. Enjoy your outdoor space all year with outdoor heating from propane. You can find outdoor heaters at stores across New Jersey. We always recommend LPG for outdoor heating because it generates more heat than electricity but is less toxic than typical gas.



Because it is so reliable at the lowest temperatures, propane is the favorite choice for RV owners. When you’re camped out with your RV in the middle of nowhere, you need an energy source you can trust. That’s where your LPG tank comes in to help.

It will power all the appliances on board the RV from the fridge to the heat. Never get caught on an RV without a tank of propane.



Want a safe and easy way to get a cozy fire going in your home? Using LPG to power your fireplace means a less toxic way to get warm and comfortable, even on the coldest nights.


Conclusion – Using Propane in Your Home

We don’t have to be stuck with the legacy energy sources just because we already use them. Make an informed decision and choose the fuel that will power everything you need that’s reliable without toxins and more energy. If you’re in Warren County, New Jersey take a look around your house and see how you can start using propane today.

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