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Good News!  We service Mainland, PA.

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commercial propane delivery services

Mainland, PA Propane

Mainland is an unincorporated community within the Lower Salford Township in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. The area now known as Lower Salford, Upper Salford, Salford and Marlborough Township was originally one municipality known as Salford Township. As this area was too large to govern, and with most of the early settlers located in the lower section of the township, a resident named Jacob Reiff, acting on behalf of his neighbors, submitted a petition to the Philadelphia County officials to create what is now Lower Salford Township. Mainland is located at the intersection of Mainland Road and Store Road, with Pennsylvania Route 63 bypassing the community to the northeast. The first residents of Mainland were of Germanic descent, having immigrated primarily from Germany, Switzerland and Holland. As most of these settlers came from an agricultural background, farming was their means of livelihood. Mainland is a part of the Lower Salford Township, so whenever the town grew, so did the township. Located in the towns and villages were the necessary craftsmen, such as tinsmiths, harness makers, weavers and carriage-makers. Along streams, grist mills were built to burn the farmers’ grains into fine flour and meal. Water-powered mills cut trees into lumber.

After WWII, Lower Salford saw the beginning of the transformation from a farming region to a growing suburban community. The old general store gave way to a grocery store, then progresses to become a supermarket. The local insurance company grew, banks expanded their financial services to assist the individual and local businesses and traffic lights began to appear at major intersections.

Propane is something that the residents of Mainland will never get confused over with the help of our propane company, Gastec. This eco-friendly power source is a great way to fuel your home or business. Propane is a clean power source that we specialize with here at Gastec. We offer our clients services for both residential and commercial uses. When you are turning on the stove, or switching on the lights, you could be using propane in your home for that. Powering something like a forklift would fall under the category of commercial propane. We specialize in both types of propane services here at Gastec. The main goal of our propane company is to keep our customers completely satisfied. We make to do this by giving our customers access to our customer service team at all times so that they can assist with anything that may come up. We also have the ability with our system to offer people the absolute highest quality of propane services, for the lowest price. We want to be able to give our customers what they need without breaking their bank in the process. This way, we are able to help more people and grow and better business.