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Good News!  We service Buckingham, PA.

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commercial propane delivery services

Buckingham, PA Propane

Buckingham is an unincorporated community within the Buckingham Township in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Physically, Buckingham is the biggest township in the county, covering 33 square miles. Its geography is dominated by Buckingham Mountain which rises to a height of 520 feet, but its landscape is characterized by gently rolling countryside. Blessed by many streams and rich soil, it has yielded bountiful harvests for 300 years. Many German-speaking dissenters from high church orthodoxy were also early settlers in the county. As a consequence, the wonderful old stone houses and barns so typical of Bucks County reflect both English and German architectural traditions. In Buckingham and the Buckingham area, there are many important yet little-known historical landmarks. One is Bogarts Tavern, which is now the General Greene Inn, on the corner of Route 413 or Durham Road and Route 263 or Old York Road. It was from this building that General Nathanael Greene, commander of George Washington’s left-wing during the Battle of Trenton, made his headquarters during the winter of 1776. Agriculture has been Buckingham’s principal industry since its founding, and the Township still retains a strong farm community. However, since the mid-1970s, there has been a substantial shift in the landscape from rural to suburban. New needs have accompanied the change in character. The Township now provides public parks and recently purchased an additional 40 acres for needed sports fields.

The people of Buckingham are smart if they choose Gastec for their propane needs. Here at Gastec, we specialize in the sort of propane services that would really be beneficial to the residents and business owners in Buckingham. Propane can be used for so many different things and in so many different ways. Propane is also a clean and green source of power, so it is completely safe for the environment. With so much emphasis on the Parks and Recreation program for the community, and environmentally friendly power source sounds perfect for the township. The people of Buckingham can use our residential propane services for things like warming their homes, cooking a meal, or keeping the power on in the case of an outage. We also offer commercial propane services that are able to handle larger-scale buildings like restaurants, farms, and schools. Keeping our clients please at all times is very important to us. In order to make sure we are able to do that, we provide them with access to our customer service representative 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our propane company is based out of Bucks County, so the residents of Buckingham are considered to be our neighbors. Our propane delivery services are also around the clock, to deliver exactly what our clients need, whenever they need it.